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On the 3rd Thursday of each month a group of crafty ladies enjoy the company of others as they knit, crochet or just chat.
Bring along your wool and needles and join in - no experience with knitting needles is needed.


Was it the NO COST and NO PRIZES that lured the 17 players to our home on Friday 21st June for Crazy Whist? We had a good number of players who had to maneuver around the tables and chairs to get to the next table for the next game, but we were warm and cosy and enjoyed a happy time of fun and friendship while playing cards. Chas preferred to stay in the same seat for much of the afternoon, and as a result he and Geoff shared the tail enders title. Jeff, our stand in President, also excelled at cards and romped home as a big winner. They each won a chocolate from the box that had been kindly brought by Kaye. We hope to be back in the hall for our next game on Thursday 25th July, where it won't be quite so squishy.


Display by artist Nina Kelabora- Eltham Library
We had 13 walkers join in for the Eltham Park walk on 25th June, 2024 and we had no rain! And, it wasn't 1 degree. It was very pleasant in fact. Welcome to two of our soon to be members Denis and Jane. We look forward to spending more time in your company. We headed to the Teapot cafe for our cuppa and chat halfway, and coffee was served with a name on it. Take your name when you order, and it comes on your coffee. Not so for our tea drinkers unfortunately.
We had a quick peek into the Eltham Library facility, which the Gregory Burgess Architects won an award for design. There was an art display in the foyer by Nina Kelora. It is nice Library for our readers to visit, if you haven't been there. We said a quick "hello" to Alan Marshall of I Can Jump Puddles fame on our way back. He is buried in Nillumbik Cemetery, Diamond Creek.
There is a lot of work going on in the area, new toilet block, fixing up areas of erosion along the banks and new bike trails going in. It is all happening. Good to see someone's money at work.

Our next walk is the Gardiner's Creek Trail, Burwood to Highbury Road and return, on the 11th and return, on the 11th July, and I look forward to seeing you there.

And remember, "A day without coffee is like .......Just kidding, I have no idea!!"

There were 15 members who attended the Museum including a few visitors. Our guide Ron was very knowledgeable, explained and informed us as we moved along. All had a great time seeing and experiencing the WW1 and WW2 Fighter Planes, German Jet Engine, Mirage Fighter, Commercial Planes and the old "TAA" Passenger Turbo Prop Plane.
We also saw the Police Helicopter that was involved in the rescue during the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race in 2017.
Aviation uniforms were also on display. The list could go on and and on. There was still a lot of equipment not on display due to lack of space at the Museum. We were at the museum for over an hour.
Then onto the "Flight Deck" Bar and Grill for lunch. This was located at the Moorabbin Airport Lounge. We all enjoyed a relaxing drink and lunch.
It was a great day out.

Moorabbin Air Museum Slideshow

As you can see from the photos, we all had coats and hats on for our Warrandyte riverside amble on Friday, 5th July, but it wasn't too bad really: no wind and no rain. We had 8 join in, including Denis and Jane, about to become members, and Coral's daughter, Allison, which was very nice. Denis, being the only man decided to go that way towards and around Pound Bend, while we ladies ambled this way along the riverside making our way, we thought, to visit Stomnehouse Gallery. When we arrived, we found the Gallery had gone after 51 years, to be replaced by a very quirky "Recycled Delightful" shop. It is an interesting shop and well worth a browse. We then settled down in the shelter for our cuppa and chat. Another nice morning ambling.

Our next Amble is Schwerkolt Cottage, Mitcham on Friday, 2nd August, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Here are some lovely words spoken by actor Anthony Hopkins. "No one leaves here alive. So please stop treating yourself as an afterthought. Eat delicious food. Walk in the sun. Jump into the sea. Speak the truth that you carry in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be good. Be weird. There is no time for anything else."
And one from Ros and Sue: "JOIN IN THE AMBLES"

On the 11th July we had 6 members, 2 about to be members and 1 visitor - my hubby - join in for the Gardener's Creek walk in Burwood area. I was fearful it was going to be wet and windy but the rain held off and not too much wind, so, not too bad a day for a winter in Melobourne.
As we crossed over Burwood Highway, we came to the area that was the site of the Burwood Drive -In Cinema, the first one in Australia, opening in 1954. It held up to 650 cars, with a kiosk selling snacks while the attendants served customers in their cars, with a kiosk selling snacks. Anyone have memories of going there? The drive-in closed in 1983, making way for an electricity supple depot. There are some wooden sculptures in the area made from the last Cypress tree.

"Drive-Ins Down Under" - "Memories are made of this"
Circo 1890 - the area had orchards and market gardens with cherries, apples, pears and peaches. Some of these trees are still there. Flower farms were also common and "Woodlawn", a large daffodil farm once occupied the site of the Deaken University Burwood Campus. We now have part of the new Rail Loop being constructed in the area.

We enjoyed a nice coffee and a chat at the warm and friendly cafe "Bells & Whistles" halfway before making our way back. You will notice the beautiful yellow coffee machine, with lots of yellow and black on the shelves in the background. Any Richmond supporters, this the place to go. They love the Tigers footy club.
Our next walk is starting at Edendale Farm, Eltham, on Tuesday, 23rd July, and I look forward to seeing you there.,
"WALKING : The most ancient exercise and the most modern."
On Thursday the Probus group of "CRAFTIES" gathered together at Mary's to knit, crochet, chat and share a cup of coffee while clicking the needles to and fro. Some were knitting beanies and squares for charity while others were knitting jumpers for grandchildren. This is a most enjoyable afternoon so come along and join in and you too can be a "PROBUS CRAFTIE".


On 23rd July, we had 9 members, 2 about to be members and 1 visitor - my hubby- join in for the Diamond Creek Trail starting at Edenvale Farm, Eltham. As you can see, our numbers are great. We had sunshine, a bit of wind sometimes, but heading towards 17 degrees and the wattles are starting to come out. you know what that means! Spring is coming, closely followed by summer. I don't want any complaints about the weather being too hot!!
We started and finished at Edenvale Farm where we had our cuppa at Cafe Eden. This is a great place to take the younger grandkids for an outing, and they do activity days during the school holidays. Not sure where all the animals were today, we didn't get to see many as we wandered through on our way back to the cars.
Our coffees came out on very pretty saucers, Nortitake no less, and Denis enjoyed a nice cup of tea in a very beautiful Royal Albert cup and saucer with a very pretty teapot. Jack drew the short straw and had a lovely saucer, but sadly, no name brand. It did make for a lot of discussion and photo taking of brand names. It was a nice way to finish off a lovely morning with friends.

Heading back we took a short cut through a bit of a bush track, where we did strike some puddles and a bit of mud. Most of us made it through but I headed for, I thought, the grassy drier part. Check out my shoes and see how they went.

Our next walk is on 8th August, at Eltham Park - The Other Way, having our cuppa at a new to us Cafe, Agnes and Alban. Here's hoping. I look forward to seeing you there.

On a cold, wet July afternnoon 11 players gathered together in a warm room at the church for a few lively games of Crazy Whist.
The theme of the game was, "WINTER" and some of the Crazy Whist rules were - Hot Chocolate - get two points for each trick won with a trump card, or Chilblains - Give your 2 best trump cards to the players on your right. (not a popular rule with some unfortunate players but great for others). Everyone was happy with the last crazy rule - Winter Sunshine - Everyone doubles their score.
Our winner with a grand score was Marion. Johanna was our tailender with a score of 66. Both ladies received a voucher for Evangeline's cafe in Tunstall Square


How did 'Christmas in July' start:
''In 1980, Irish tourists in the Blue Mountains of Australia started Christmas in July to recreate their winter festivities. Businesses quickly adopted this concept and began hosting themed events with special offers to add more cheer.
July is usually the coldest month in Australia, so celebrations emulate the northern hemisphere winter.So that means hearty food like roasts, and warm drinks in front of fireplaces and bonfires".

On Thursday, July 30th, Donvale Central Probus Club celebrated "Christmas in July" at Bucatani's restaurant in Mitcham. It is always a special event to share good food and wine with Probus friends. Conversation flowed freely and as usual there was always much laughter and comaraderie amongst this happy group.
A huge thank you to our wonderful Social Committee for organising this event.
"Merry Christmas in July"

Ten Pin Bowling:

We welcomed a new visitor at Bowling, Jan, last month and though she had never done Ten Pin before she fluked it, just like Lorraine and got a strike first go.. Well done!!


Schwerkolt Cottage

We had six ladies join in the Amble on 2nd August,'24 at Schwerkolt Cottage and surrouinding area. It was a bit chilly when we started, but no wind, the sun came out, so it was very pleasant. By the time we had our cuppa and chat we were sitting in brilliant sunshine surrounded by magpies; they did score a biscuit or two.

We chose to sit at two new picnic tables because they were in beautiful sunshine. On setting up, we saw plaques attached to the table tops. Many of you will remember our past members, Kevin and Rosemary Frazer, who have both sadly passed on now, but were much loved members of our Club. Our cuppa becme extra special.

Schwerkolt Cottage was an original cottage built by August Schwerkolt in 1864 ( now found to be built 1885) constructed of stone carted from the nearby Mullum Mullum Creek. Our photos were in front of the cottage and the wine cellar. Other photos are of the Smokehouse, a old buggy inside the barn, and the water pump in front of the cottage.

'August was born in Prussia in 1822, being a brickmaker by trade but worked as a brewer's assistant. He married Paulina just prior to them sailing to Australia and settling in Northcote where he purchased and established a market garden. They had 8 children, 3 dying in infancy. In 1861 he purchased land and established a market garden. Sadly Paulina died, and he married Wilhelmina. While he had two properties, he would travel on foot between Northcote and Mitcham, tranporting his belongings on a pair of saplings tied to his waist and dragged behibd him'. Wikipedia, Whitehorse Historical Society
A great effort, don't you think fellas! Who needs a trailer.
Our next amble is Friday, 5th September at Mullum Mullum Reserve, Donvale and we look forward to seeing you there.

Sharing a glass of wine and nibbles with Probus friends must be the best way to enjoy a cold August evening. All joined in and tried to answer the Trivia questions - some of which really taxed our memories.
Thank you to our Probus friends for opening up their homes for this activity.
It really was a most enjoyable "HAPPY HOUR OR TWO" for those attending.

On 8th August,'24, another lovely morning, we had 10 join in the walk around Eltham Park, following the area behind the Miniature Railway, having a photo shoot with our back to the Yarra River, in front of Pine Creek Station, then making our way to Bolton Street and "Agnes & Alban Cafe". Here we enjoyed our cuppa in the quaint courtyard area. (This is a new Cafe for us & we will return). Also enjoying the walk was Mika, Ros and Jeff's grand dog. She is very well behaved and enjoys wrapping herself around any pole she can find, and I"m sure Ros enjoys untangling her. It's a bit like "Here we go round the Mulberry Bush"!!

This walk takes us alongside the Diamond Creek and the area is looking very pretty at the moment with the wattle blooming. It is looking very green and gold for our Aussie Olympians, who are doing very well. As we say "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi,Oi,Oi"!
Our next walk is Tuesday, 27th August (which seem ages away) starting at H.E.Parker Reserve, Heathmont, having our cuppa halfway at "Cafe on the Park". I look forward to seeing you there.
And remember, "A yawn is just a silent scream for coffee"!
'This raffle is for the purpose of supplementing the club income and keep down annual fees. Tickets are $1 each, with no obligation to buy and are not limited to one. Winning ticket is drawn prior to adjoining for morning coffee. 50% of the pool to the winner, the remainder to our club'.
Donvale Central Newsletter

Raffle Ladies - Carole and Margaret
Forward to Gallery 4